
Live Long and Star Trek

Live Long and Star Trek from Nick Acosta on Vimeo.

As the 50th anniversary of Star Trek approaches this summer I wanted to do something special to mark its birthday. Since I was a kid I dreamed of what my ultimate Star Trek film would look like. The Doctor Who 50th anniversary special had the Doctor meeting the older versions of himself. For Trek I wanted to have the classic crew meet and interact with the modern era crew. I went in and took footage from over a dozen different films and movies from the Star Trek universe. I rotoscoped the classic crew into my film so they could finally share the stage with their younger counterparts. Interestingly enough Chris Pine is the exact same age as Willam Shatner was when he did his first season on Star Trek. I wanted to blend the crews together and have them get into a massive space battle together. It now seems to be the custom to use ‘Star Trek’ as a verb in its sequel title, so to that end I humbly present you ‘Live Long and Star Trek’.

More info can be found here. http://cargocollective.com/nickacosta/Live-Long-and-Star-Trek

Star Trek is property of Paramount / Viacom. This video is for demonstration purposes only sanctioned under the 1976 Copyright act. Chilax

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