![スタートレック・スターシップ・コレクション第108号[雑誌] シャイアン級宇宙船](https://images-fe.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51FbRIXc5cL.jpg)
※コンピュータ・ディスプレイ上では NCC-71620 だがスタジオモデルは NCC-73620 である。
Cheyenne class
USS Ahwahnee (NCC-73620/NCC-71620)
The Ahwahnee registry number was visible on two different computer displays in "Redemption II", aboard the USS Enterprise-D and USS Sutherland, where it was given the registry NCC-71620. One of the two displays, the Starfleet tactical analysis report, was replaced with a new display for the remastered episode, so that only one display showed the registry.
The registry NCC-73620, which was also associated with this vessel, was not visible on screen, but could be clearly read off photos of the filming model.
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