
Star Trek:TOS Season 1

Stardate 1513.1Episode 01 The Man Trap(惑星M113の吸血獣)
Stardate 1533.6Episode 02 Charlie X(セイサス星から来た少年)
Stardate 1312.4Episode 03 Where No Man Has Gone Before(光るめだま)
Stardate 1704.2Episode 04 The Naked Time(魔の宇宙病)
Stardate 1672.1Episode 05 The Enemy Within(二人のカーク)
Stardate 1329.1Episode 06 Mudd's Women(恐怖のビーナス)
Stardate 2712.4Episode 07 What Are Little Girls Made Of(コンピューター人間)
Stardate 2713.5Episode 08 Miri(400才の少女)
Stardate 2715.1Episode 09 Dagger of the Mind(悪魔島から来た狂人)
Stardate 1512.2Episode 10 The Corbomite Maneuver(謎の球体)
Stardate 3012.4Episode 11 The Menagerie, Part I (タロス星の幻怪人・前編)
Stardate 3013.1Episode 12 The Menagerie: Part II(タロス星の幻怪人・後編)
Stardate 2817.6Episode 13 The Conscience of the King(殺人鬼コドス)
Stardate 1709.2Episode 14 Balance of Terror(宇宙基地SOS)
Stardate 3025.3Episode 15 Shore Leave(おかしなおかしな遊園惑星)
Stardate 2821.5Episode 16 The Galileo Seven(ゴリラの惑星)
Stardate 2124.5Episode 17 The Squire of Gothos(ゴトス星の怪人)
Stardate 3045.6Episode 18 Arena(怪獣ゴーンとの対決)
Stardate 3113.2Episode 19 Tomorrow is Yesterday(宇宙暦元年7・21)
Stardate 2947.3Episode 20 Court Martial(宇宙軍法会議)
Stardate 3156.2Episode 21 The Return of the Archons(ベータ・スリーの独裁者)
Stardate 3141.9Episode 22 Space Seed(宇宙の帝王)
Stardate 3192.1Episode 23 A Taste of Armageddon(コンピューター戦争)
Stardate 3417.3Episode 24 This Side of Paradise(死の楽園)
Stardate 3196.1Episode 25 The Devil in the Dark(地底怪獣ホルタ)
Stardate 3198.4Episode 26 Errand of Mercy(クリンゴン帝国の侵略)
Stardate 3087.6Episode 27 The Alternative Factor(二つの宇宙)
Stardate UnknownEpisode 28 The City on the Edge of Forever(危険な過去への旅)
Stardate 3287.2Episode 29 Operation - Annihilate!(デネバ星の怪奇生物)

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